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Executive Coaching

While change and growth can feel hard, I aim to make it feel easeful. Through Dive Communications, I offer 1:1 Coaching with Executives to support them in becoming more effective and happier leaders. What I find after these engagements is that my clients tap into their capacities more deeply, become more courageous and balanced.

Engagements often are 6 month coaching programs with the possibility of adding 360 interviews.


Speaker in front of a Crowd
Facilitation & Coaching

With the right level of training and coaching, anyone can become a great presenter. My aim with clients is to not only make them more impactful, but to also get them to enjoy the process. I work with GrahamComm to offer these services.

I also have a deep passion for seeing women succeed. I have coached and trained over 60 women leaders over the past ten years through Platinum Exchange Women's Leadership program, and continue to do this work with women leaders.

Team Development
Work can be hard, and sometimes working with Teams is harder. It is because of this that working with teams is so important. I work with teams to support them in deeper alignment towards their goals and towards their values. I do this through Vox Verum,  a company focused on supporting teams. 
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